26 Şubat 2016 Cuma


Dear All!

Let's watch the following video:

Check the words & phrases in Unit 3A- Saving the Panda below:
Unit 3A

Scarcity (n): an inadequate supply, a rarity / scarce(adj) – scarcely(adv)
Scarcity of water will be one of the most fundamental problems in the world.  

Precious (adj.): very valuable / preciously(adv) – preciousness(n)
Gold and silver are precious metals.

Exceed (v): to be greater than something or to go beyond limits / exceedingly(adv)
The demand for new housing has  exceeded the supply, so the prices have increased.

Revenue (n): money or income
The factory will lose revenue because all the workers went on a strike.

Offset (v): to balance the effect of one thing by doing another action
The corporation has different investments, so gains in some of them offset losses in others.

Accommodate (v): to have enough room for something; to adjust for someone’s needs / accomodation(n)
Those new five-star hotels in the area can accommodate over 5,000 people during the high season.

Restore (v): to return  something to its previous good condition / restoration(n) – restorer(n)
She has a very interesting job which requires great care and attention; she restores old pantings.

Dramatic (adj.): sudden and very noticable; exciting and impressive /  dramatically (adv.)

Seeing the dramatic change in his behaviours, his parents took the young boy to the doctor and leraned that he started using drugs.

They are happy to see that their profit has increased dramatically.

Hesitate (v): to wait for a short time before speaking or acting / hesitation(n) – hesitant(n) – hesitancy(n)
He hesitated to accept the job offer first as the pay was not as much as he expected, but after thinking the other advantages he accepted it.

Eliminate (v): to remove completely / elimination(n)
Dieticians suggest that we should eliminate fatty foods from our diets.

1. The word ‘captivity’ in line 19 is closest in meaning to ___.
a) threat                       b) peace                      
c) restriction                 d) comfort

2. The phrase ‘a few others’ in line 24 refers to _____.
a) provinces                 b) most pandas
c) endangered animals             d) captive pandas

3. The word ‘translate’ in line 38 is closest in meaning to __.
a) change                     b) interpret                  
c) transplant                 d) move

4. From paragraph 3, we can understand that the expenses for panda care ______.
a) can simply be met by a public display of new-born baby pandas
b) are difficult to meet since some zoos lack enough gift shops
c) should be met by donating two and a half million dollars for baby cubs
d) is a burden on zoos although the number of visitors rises at certain times

5. The word “it” in line 57 refers to ______________.
a) a benefit      b) the cost of caring for pandas          
c) a panda        d) raising pandas in captivity

6. State 3 things needed for raising pandas in conservation centers.

7. Which of the following ideas is NOT mentioned in the text?
a) How it is possible to raise money for pandas
b) Actions taken for public awareness about panda habitats
c) The areas where pandas can be found in the wild
d) The reasons why pandas rarely reproduce

8. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
a) The number of baby cubs has increased 90 percent recently.
b) Not only in China but also in other countries new preservation methods are being applied.
c) David Wildt is against the idea of raising pandas in captivity.
d) Due to the money issues, zoos in China have to release baby pandas into the wild.

1.C      2.D      3.A      4.D      5.D      6.(the best) doctors/ (tastiest) food/money/toys/habitats/keepers/funds  7. D     8.B

Unit 3 A
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
accommodate            dramatically               eliminate                    exceed            hesitate
offset                          precious                     restore                       revenue          scarcity

1. In order to ___________ the cost of their new house the family had to cut their expenses significantly.
2. The police didn’t ___________ to spray the crowd with tear gas as they were ordered to do so.
3.   If someone had told me a month before that my life was going to be changed so ___________,
 I would not have believed them.
4. The local zoo announced that more room is needed to ___________ all the animals that are newly born and sent from other zoos.
5. Take these pills to increase the iron level in your blood, but you should not ___________this amount because iron can be toxic in certain individuals.
6. That is the only photograph left from his mother who died while giving birth to him and naturally his most ___________ possession.
7. Because the company has lost most of its ___________ in petroleum based products, and gone into an economic crisis, they have started to invest in herbal based products which they consider to be profitable.
8. ___________ of clean water is one of the major problems in Africa. This is a more urgent issue compared to lack of food.
9. There are lots of possible things to do to save endangered animals from extinction. One option is to ___________  wildlife habitats.
10.  It is possible to reduce, but not ___________ power differences between people in hierarchical organizations.

1.offset                  2. hesitate              3. dramatically        4. accomodate                 5. exceed 
6. precious            7. revenue              8. scarcity                 9. restore                         10. eliminate

Below are the words & phrases in Unit 3B- Tracking the Snow Leopard.

Unit 3B

Enforce(v): to make sure that laws are obeyed; to carry out effectively / enfocable(adj) – enforcement(n)- enforcer(n)
In every country, the duty of the police is to enforce the law.

Conflict(n): a serious disagreement and argument / conflict(v) – conflicted(adj)
Recent conflicts in the Arab world has led to the deaths of many civilians.

Drag(v): to pull a heavy weight across the ground
Firefighters dragged two injured people to safety.

Reverse(v): to go backwards; to change sth so that it is the opposite of what it was before / reverse(n) – reversible(adj)- reversion(n)
Everybody gets old. Unfortunately, it is not possible to reverse the aging process.

Trend(n): a pattern of change in a new or different direction
There is a disturbing trend toward obesity in children; parents should get help from professionals to take precautions.

Landscape(n): natural scenery in the countryside (fields, lakes, hills etc.)/ landscape(v)-landscaping(n)
Paul Cezanne and Vincent van Gogh are famous for painting landscapes.

Poverty(n):  the condition of being very poor
Rich nations must find effective strategies to fight poverty in many African countries.

Incentive(n): the reason for doing something, the motive / incentivize(v)
The rising cost of electricity provides a strong incentive to conserve energy.

Reward(v): to give a reward to or for / reward(n):
The firefighters rescued all the people from the burning shopping center and they were rewarded by the mayor for their heroic actions.

Bonus(n): an extra unexpected amount beyond the usual amount
Staff members were given a bonus for finishing the project on schedule.


1. The word ‘incentive’ in line 51 is closest in meaning to ______________.
a) encouragement        b) problem      
c) interest                    d) reason

2. The word ‘they’ in line 88 refers to ____.
a) the women              b) the herders 
c) the organization      d) the program members

3. Why is it difficult to see snow leopards in daylight?
a) They are very silent and fast.
b) They are extinct due to hunting.
c) They live in remote and high regions.
d) Conservationists help them to be out of sight.

4. From paragraph 5, we can understand that a snow leopard is different from a wolf because ___.

5. Which of the followings is NOT a reason for hunting a snow leopard?
a) dependence on livestock   
b) the harsh climate conditions for farming   
c) the financial value of their fur       
d) the religious rules about their existence

6. State one way in that the Himalayan Homestays Program helps decrease snow leopard killings.

7. Which of the following effects of SLE is NOT mentioned in the text?
a) increase in the herders’ income      
b) decrease in the number of snow leopard killings
c) positive influence on the status of women            
d) increase in the number of tourists

8. In paragraph 4, the statement ‘The only way to reverse this trend and bring these cats back from near extinction, say conservationists, is to make them more valuable alive than dead’ is most similar to:
a) Conservationists claim that the best way to stop the leopard killings is to increase the value of these animals when they are alive.
b) Conservationists say that whether they are dead or alive, snow leopards are a valuable part of our habitat.
c) The trend of killing these animals caused them to be nearly extinct and this should be discouraged.
d) Conservationists changed the trend of killing of snow leopards and slowed down their extinction by making these cats more valuable.

9. What is the main difference between Snow Leopard Conservancy-India and SLE in terms of financial issues?
a) In India people are encouraged to stop herding whereas in Mongolia people continue to keep animals.
b) In India herders gain money by hosting tourists while in Mongolia they sell products abroad and get a 20% bonus for not killing snow leopards.
c) In India people earn money as nature guides but in Mongolia they earn money by selling different products to tourists.
d) In India herders are sent tourists in exchange of not killing any snow leopards, yet in Mongolia herders are paid an extra 10%-15% of their income as a bonus.

4. a wolf kills an animal and leaves after he eats it but a snow leopard is always around
5. D    
6.a herder family hosts tourists and earn money and in exchange they agree not to kill any snow leopards/ homestays members can be hired as nature guides /by proving an income to replace the death of animals to snow leopards.

 Unit 3B
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
bonus                    conflict                   drag                      enforce                      incentive           landscape             poverty                  reverse                reward                       trend

1.  AIDS in Africa is widespread because of __________ and poor medical facilities.
2. Although the employees were disappointed by the amount of increase in their wages, the promise of getting a ___________ every six months cheered them up a bit. 
3. The road to mountains passes through a __________ which has such a breathtaking view that thousands of tourists visit the region every year.
4.  For almost three decades this ___________ over the tiny islands on Pacific went on between the two countries, and almost 2000 people lost their lives.  
5. The carpet is too big for me to __________ out of the house and take it to the cleaner’s. I need help.
6. It is estimated that if the government tries to ___________ similar laws, we’ll see more angry protestors on the streets of major cities.
7. The rider stresses the importance of __________ and mentions different ways of praising the horse: ‘The simplest way for the rider to show his appreciation is by patting or speaking with a soothing voice.’’
8. It is claimed that there is a growing _________ towards greater protection for journalists' sources in Europe.
9. I think big actors in the construction business are planning to turn this beautiful natural sanctuary into a tourist attraction. Their real ___________ is to make more money.
10.   The reason why they make this journey of three and a half thousand miles is not only to lay their eggs but also commit their young to make a similar journey in __________ to find their feeding grounds by doing so?

1.poverty                 2. bonus             3. landscape             4.conflict                5. drag
6. enforce                 7. reward          8. trend                      9. incentive           10. reverse

Below is the quiz. Click on it and see how successful you will be.....

19 Şubat 2016 Cuma


Dear All,

Below you can find the unknown words in the extra reading texts provided weekly and their abswer keys.


1- Does the Internet Rewire our Brain?

Worry about
Leave traces
Affect (v)
Effect (n)
Deal with
Abstract X concrete
Pass up opportunities

Answer Key:

1-d  2-d  3-c  4- a  5-d 6-c 7-b  8- a 
9- (suggested answer) The author is not against the internet because he thinks that it is not a harmful invention.

2- The Mystery of Hole-Punch Clouds

Saucer-like formations
Tornado cloud
Disrupt - disruptive
Spontaneous- spontaneously
Ascend into
Outward X inward
Result in X result from

Answer Key:

1-b  2-b  3-d  4- a  5-d  6-a  7-c  8-c


1- The Myth of Eight-Hour Sleep


Impress- Impressed-impressive
Appear X disappear
Fan out to
Bi-modal sleep pattern
come up with

Answer Key:

1-d  2-d  3-c  4-a  5-d  6-c  7-b  8-b

2- Google Evil?

Get caught up
Immediate access
Chip away

Answer Key:

1-c 2-d 3-b 4-a 5-b 6-a 7-d 8-c

3- Sport Addiction

Curse at
Withdrawal symptom
Electrical outlet
Subscribe X unsubscribe
Empty -emptiness
Curb the need

Answer Key:

1-a  2-b  3-b  4-c  5-c 6-d 7-c 8-a