17 Şubat 2016 Çarşamba


Dear All

Before reading the text in 2A, check the unknown words and phrases:

Devote (v): to give a lot of your time or energy to something/devoted(adj)-devotion(n)
I devote several hours every weekend to playing with my dog.

Fundamental (adj.): important or essential, basic/ fundamentals(n)-fundamentally(adv)
The constitution ensures our fundamental rights.

Mate (n): a partner or spouse/ mate(v)
He hasn’t found his soul mate, yet. That’s why he is still single.

Notion (n): an idea or belief of something/ notional(adj)
The witness had a vague notion about what happened.

Alter(v): to change something; to make different without changing into something else / alteration(n)
After his wife’s death, he altered his will to leave everything to a charity.

Predominantly (adv.): mainly, mostly/predominate(v)-predominant(adj)-predominance(n)
He has worked in a predominantly female environment, so he knows a lot about women.

Subjective (adj.): based on personal feelings and opinions instead of facts / subjectively(adv)-subjectivity(n)
Personal taste in clothing is very subjective.

Gender(n): the categories of male and female
Discrimination on grounds of race or gender is forbidden.

Conform (v): to behave in a way that is expected or to meet standards / conformist(adj)-conformist(n)-conformity(n)
Jim does not conform to the stereotype of a policeman.

Uniform (adj.): unchanging, consistent, being the same as others / uniformity(n)
Grade A eggs must be of uniform size.

Date back
Wear makeup
Crossed eyes
Pass on
Fuller lips
Conscious X unconscious
Objective X subjective
Regarded as
Associated with
Physical traits
Appeal- appealing
Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder

You can find comprehension questions for Unit 2A below.
Reading explorer3 2a compquestions from hacersivil

Check the vocabulary and phrases in 2B below:

External (adj.): something on the outside; of, relating to, or connected with the outside or an outer part / externally(adv)- externals(n)
The external features of the building made it unique.

Chemical (n): a substance with distinct composition and properties / chemical(adj)-chemically(adv)
Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals and at least 50 of them are  carcinogens (cause cancer in humans) and  poisonous.

Crucial (adj.): extremely important/crucially(adv)
Independent press is crucial to the administration of justice in every country.

Leisure(n): time when you are not working and can relax / leisurely(adj) – leisurely(adv)
The most popular leisure activity for most young people is surfing and chatting on the Internet.

Denote (v): to be a sign or indication of something; to have a particular meaning / denotative(adj) – denotation(n)
The swollen bellies of the cildren in some African countries denote starvation.

Bravery (n) : behavior showing great courage / brave(adj)-bravely(adv)
He saved hundreds of lives in the war and received a medal for bravery.

Criminal (n): a person who breaks the law / crime(n)- crminal(adj)- crminalize(v)
Car thieves, pickpockets and burglars are all criminals.

Mature (v): to become fully developed or ripe /   maturity(n)
Girls mature earlier than boys both physically and mentally.

Mature (adj.): adult; physically and mentally developed
He isn’t mature enough to live on his own.

Permanent (adj.): lasting forever / permanence(n)-permanency(n)-permanently(adv)
Staying in the sun for a long time causes permanent skin damage.

Fade (v): to become paler or less noticeable over time

The fabric of your furniture will fade unless you protect them from the sun.

Take off
Lay-laid- laid
Entire body
External forces
Packed with
Lighten X darken
Shift (v)
Leisure time
Sun tanning
Aware of
Carry out
Associated with
Practice (v)
Rite of passage
Mature (v)
permanent X temporary
Appear X disappear
To a lesser degree

Reading explorer3 2b compquestions from hacersivil

Unit 2 A
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
alter                conform                     devote                        fundamental              gender
mate                notion                         predominantly           subjective                   uniform

1. Nomads in Turkey live ____________________ in the Taurus mountains.
2. The doors of the hospital did not ____________________ to the standards, so they had to enlarge them.
3. We can talk about a reduction of ____________________ differences in the occupational world in recent years, but looking after the house is still perceived as women’s duty.
4. Drugs ____________________ people’s mood; that’s why depressed people can easily become addicted to them.
5. There is no ____________________ in the economic growth across the country. Some regions are in much better condition.
6. Everybody looks for some qualities in a ____________________. For some, physical qualities are important while for others personality traits outweigh.
7. As she ____________________ herself to her career, she did not get married or have children.
8. There has been a ____________________ difference in the quality of transportation means in the last 100 years. They are much faster, safer and more comfortable now.
9. I reject the ____________________ that if you really want something, you get it. Just the desire to have something cannot be enough.
10. Personal taste in music is very ____________________. Although there are some objective criteria determining the quality of music, what people like to listen is up to their taste.

1. predominantly                  2. conform             3. gender               4. alter                    5. uniformity        
6. mate                                   7. (had) devoted   8. fundamental     9. Notion                 10. subjective

Unit 2 B
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
bravery                      chemical                     criminal                      crucial             denote
external                      fade                             leisure                        mature            permanent

1. It’s ____________________ that we should be at the meeting hall before the board of directors.
2. If flowers aren’t watered every day during hot summer days, they ____________________ and die.
3. Challenging to a duel used to be a sign of ____________________.
4. It is not possible to transport ____________________ overseas in ordinary cargo ships. Special ships are designed and manufactured for that purpose.
5. Young people who are found guilty shouldn’t be put in the same prison with the dangerous ____________________.
6. Every sector has been affected by the recession except for the ____________________ business in Greece as the Greeks never like to give up having fun.
7. Wine ____________________ with age, so the older the wine is the better it tastes.
8. The death of Neslişah Sultan, the last member of the Ottoman family, ____________________ the end of the Ottoman dynasty.
9.  The ____________________ signs of the disease are the small red spots on the skin.
10. The tsunami that happened in Japan gave a/an ____________________ damage to Fukushima nuclear power plant. It is impossible to use it anymore.

1. crucial                 2. fade                    3. bravery              4. chemicals                           5. criminals           
6. leisure                                7. matures             8. denoted             9. external                             10. permanent

As for homework, you need to cover Unit 3 and complete extra reading handouts.

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