22 Nisan 2016 Cuma



Presume(v): to think that something is the case without being certain
‘’Are all students attending the seminar? ‘’ ‘’I presume so.’’

Visualize(v): in medicine, to use equipment to create an image of an internal part of the body like the brain / visualization(n)-visual(adj)-visually(adv)
After visualizing his lungs, doctors detected a tumor and decided to operate him.

Transform(v): to change something totally / transformation(n)
Winning the lottery has transformed his life. He leads such a comfortable life that he has totally forgotten the tough times.

Entity(n): something that exists separately from other things and has its own identity
The garden is so skillfully designed that thhouse and the garden looks as a single entity.

Reinforce(v): to strenghten something by giving it more support / reinforcement(n)
They are trying to enforce a new law which requires all buildings to be reinforced to withstand earthquakes.

Welfare(n): well-being, health, comfort, happiness
Animal lovers are organizing a march to attract people’s attention to the right of welfare of animals.

Flexible(adj): easily bent or adjusted without breaking / flexibility(n)-flexibly(adv)
All the copper water pipes are being replaced with plastic ones as the latter are more flexible and convenient to fit.

Underlie(v): to lie beneath something
The principle that underlies his success is simple; ‘’Respect and enjoy what you are doing.’’

Perspective(n): a point of view or a particular way of thinking about something
To understand them better, parents should try to see the events from their children’s perspective.

Accomplish(v): to succeed in doing something that is a goal or aim / accomplished(adj)-accomplishment(n)
‘’Mission accomplised’’ is a famous clause we hear in every James Bond film.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
accomplish                 entity                    flexible                  perspective                presume
reinforce                    transform             underlie                visualize                     welfare

1. What are the negative beliefs — about yourself, other people or the world — which ___________________ your fears?
2. Although economists generally ___________________  that information is costless to transmit, receive, and use, the evidence suggests that this is not always the case.
3. Both presentation material and exercises are illustrated to enable learners to ___________________  contexts and to help with difficult vocabulary.
4. Doctors should recognize that the patient is not just a physical ___________________  but also has emotional, mental and spiritual aspects.
 5. Color coding in the library is used to ___________________  clearly printed visual signs.
6. Communication policies are changing rapidly, yet there is a need to assess them constantly from an ethical ___________________.
7. When you see the pyramids, you will be astonished at what men could ___________________.
8. The former governments wanted to ___________________  the poor country into a modern state by downgrading agriculture and investing in industry.
9. Non-Governmental Organizations all around the world want to provide better medical care and child ___________________  by sending aid, including medical supplies, to the country suffering from famine.
10. To act as a stunt in films, a person needs to have a strong and ___________________  body.

1. underlie              2. presume             3. visualize             4. entity                  5. reinforce 
6. perspective        7. accomplish         8. transform           9. welfare               10. flexible


SMART ANIMALS ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Acknowledge(v): to accept or admit that something is true / acknowledgement(n)
He acknowledged that he was responsible for the explosion as he forgot the electric heater on before he left the shop.

Primitive(adj): very simple, belonging to an early period of development / primitively(adv)-primitiveness(n)
Since the conditions are quite primitive in camps, I have never liked camping holidays.

Reveal(v): to show or make people aware of something / revealing(adj)-revealingly(adv)
In our school, we give studendts special tests to reveal their hidden skills.

Master(v): to become highly skilled in doing something / masterly(adj)-masterful(adj)-masterfully(adv)
The skills needed to master certain jobs are not necessarily learned at school.

Abstract(n): theoretical, not related to real things / abstraction(n)
Children cannot think in abstract terms before six years old. They need to associate ideas with objects.

Pronounce(v): to say something using particular sounds / pronunciation(n)-pronounceable(adj)
It may be difficult to pronounce -th sound while learning English for Turkish students as they do not use this sound in their native language.

Extraordinary(adj): having an extremely special quality, very unusual / extraordinarily(adv)
He displayed an extraordinary performance. He must have practised a lot.

Humble(v): modest and respectful, not too proud / humble(adj)-humbly(adv)
Despite his fame, he is such a humble actor. He never refuses his fans demands.

Dismiss(v): to send someone away or to reject something or someone / dismissal(n)-dismissive(adj)-dismissively(adv)
It is not fair to dismiss the students who protested the prime minister from school.

Simulate(v): to pretend to do something in artifical conditions / simulated(adj)-simulation(n)
In the space camp, students have a chance to see the space in spaceships that simulate conditions in space.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
abstract          acknowledge                   dismiss                   extraordinary              humble
master primitive                           pronounce             reveal                           simulate

1. Although the dictionary tells me how to spell it, I don’t know how to __________________ them until I ask a French speaker.
2. This loss of control is frightening and therapy has helped me to __________________ its existence, although I still don't know why it happens.
3. He felt __________________ when he saw the conditions the doctors without frontiers worked in to help the miserable in Africa.
4. Touch is the earliest and most __________________ form of communication and is an important form of non-verbal communication throughout life.
5. Once you've __________________ the art of making soufflé you can vary the ingredients, such as chocolate, vanilla, or cheese, to suit the occasion.
6. As a pacifist, the political leader believes that although they have suffered from slavery, imperialism, capitalism, and exploitation, they should __________________ their feelings, keep smiling and solve their problems peacefully.
7. As they are scared of protests, they will not __________________ any plans to demolish the old houses in the city center and erect blocks of flats in their place.
8. The director of the famous art gallery states that there has been a growing interest in __________________ painting because people have explored the world by means of the camera in a very detailed way.
9. In my opinion, a computer program of sufficient complexity can __________________ any human mind to any level of detail.
10. It is a/an __________________ event. Normally, such things don’t happen here.

1. pronounce          2. acknowledge      3. humbled             4. primitive             5. mastered 
6. dismiss               7. reveal                  8. abstract              9. simulate              10. eXtraordinary



Unit 9 A

Endure(v): to experience a painful or difficult situation because you have no other choice / endurable(adj)-endurance(n)
I suffer from migrane. I have to take strong painkillers to endure it.

Aircraft(n): a vehicle that can fly such as an airplane or helicopter
We buy all our aircraft from other countries as we don’t manufacture them.

Blanket(n): a piece of thick cloth used for warmth in bed / blanket(v)
In case it gets colder in the night, there are extra blankets in the closet. You can use them.

Rescue(v): to save from danger or trouble / rescuer(n)- rescue(n)
The Coast Guard rescued all the survivors of the shipwreck.

Volunteer(v): to work without pay because you choose to do something /
University students volunteer to help elementary students with their lessons in summer camps.

Sew(v): to join fabric together with a thread and needle
I can’t even sew a button on a shirt. I take everything to the tailor.

Steady(adj): gradual, without sudden changes/ steady(v)-steadily(adv)-stediness(n)
The company is making a steady progress and will surely be one of the biggest in the country in a few years.

Tough(adj): very strong, able to tolerate difficulty or suffering / toughly(adv)-toughness(n)-toughen(v)
The men who work in the mines are tough. They can deal with difficult conditions.

Rationalize(v): to think of reasons to justify or explain / rationalization(n)-rational(adj)-rationally(adv)-rationality(n)
The financial manager tried to find a way to rationalize what he had done. His decision had put the company in a very bad financial crisis.

Sustain(v): to nourish or provide support so someone else can live / sustainable(adj)-sustainability(n)sustained(adj)
Animal lovers in the neighborhood provide food and water to sustain street dogs.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
aircraft                blanket                 endure               rationalize               rescue
sew                      steady                   sustain               tough                         volunteer

1. The injured man was lying on the ground covered with a ____________________ when the ambulance arrived, and people were preparing to place him on a jeep.
2. Is there a way to ____________________ what you have done? I think you will be fired.
3. Last night, three young men were being hailed as heroes after a dramatic ____________________ of a newsagent from a flooded shop.
4. The problem is that ____________________ accident investigation wasn’t carried out in a completely impartial and objective manner and they did the easiest thing - putting the blame on the dead pilots.
5.  You don’t need to be talented to ____________________ a button on your shirt. All you need is a needle and thread.
6. The diet industry (via the media) sells the myth that a new body shape can be obtained as easily as a new haircut, provided you can afford their products and ____________________  prolonged starvation.
7. When there are many casualties, as in a war, doctors have to make some ____________________  decisions about who to treat first.
8. In order to ____________________ economic growth, the government needs to implement new policies.
9. A ____________________ is someone who works without pay.
10. He has shown a ____________________ progress since he started working for the company, and we expect him to promote soon.

1. blanket         2. rationalize         3. rescue        4. aircraft            5. sew  
6. endure          7. tough                  8. sustain       9. volunteer        10. steady


Convince(v): to persuade by argument or evidence /convinced(adj)-convincing(adj)-convincingly(adv)
They are trying to convince their grandmother to live with them, but she insists on living alone in her own apartment.

Explode(v): to burst with great violence, to blow up /explosion(n)-explosive(adj)-(n)-explosively(adv)explosiveness(n)
A gas tank in a petrol station exploded in the middle of the night burning almost the half of the station and three cars.

Terror(n): very great fear, panic, or dread / terrorize(v)
When a man started to fire his gun aimlessly in the street, people around screamed in terror and tried to run away.

Border(n): the dividing line between two countries countries or places / border(v)
Land mines that were laid all through the border during the war are now being cleared.

Mercy(n): kind and forgiving treatment toward a powerless person /merciful(adj)-mercifully(adv)-merciless(adj)-mercilessly(adv)
He was a fearful commander. He showed no mercy to the ones who made mistakes intentionally or unintentionally.

Stable(adj): strong, steady, calm /stability(n)-instability(n)-stably(adv)-unstable(adj)-stabilize(v)-stabilization(n)
Children like stable environment as they are in need of safety psychologically.

Tragedy(n): an extremely sad evet or situation /tragic(adj)-tragically(adv)
Tragedy struck all the country when an earthquate hit and killed thousands of people.

Clinic(n): a place where people go for medical treatment or advice /clinician(n)-clinical(adj)-clinically(adv)
I have an appoinment at the dental clinic tomorrow. I have to have all my teeth checked.

Wage(n): a salary, payment for doing work /waged(adj)-unwaged(adj)
Workers went on strike for a rise in their wages, for they cannot make their living with the present amount they are earning.

Mobilize(v): to organize people and resources for an urgent purpose / mobilization(n)-demobilize(v)-immobilize(v)
Leftist political parties started a campaign to mobilize support for the strike.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
border                clinics                convince               explode                 mercy
mobilize             tragedy             terror                    unstable                wage    

1. One of the smallest countries in the world is Liechtenstein, the tiny principality which lies on the ____________________  of Switzerland and Austria.
2. In my former workplace, everyone was paid a different ____________________ , so no one knew what anyone else was getting.
3. How often do we ask the question ‘Why me?’ when faced with some personal trauma or ____________________?
4. I won’t let you take any of these documents unless you convince me that they are necessary for the inquiry.
5. The hardships that they had once suffered had left no bitterness in their gentle souls, and all through their lives they showed ____________________ and kindness to others.
6. A man whose parents were being held captive had been forced to drive into a border checkpoint in a van containing the bomb, which, luckily, had failed to ____________________.
7. When the little girl was found alone in the dark, she was screaming in ____________________.
8.  Her husband became an alcoholic and they had to put him away in a____________________.
9. America is ready to ____________________ its army if North Korea back down from threatening its neighbors.
10. The conventional accounts of violence against women suggest that most men who are violent to women are mentally ____________________  in some way.

1. border           2. wage          3. tragedy         4. convince        5. mercy
6. explode        7. terror        8. clinic             9. mobilize         10. unstable

11 Nisan 2016 Pazartesi


addiction ile ilgili görsel sonucu


Awake(adj): not asleep / awake(v)-awaken(n)-awakening(n)
I am so tired that I can hardly stay awake.

Dependance(n): a need to rely on someone or something for help or support /dependancy(n)-dependant(adj)-depend(v)
Our dependence upon foreign oil makes our economy vulnerable.

Exhibit(v): to show or put something in a place where people can see it / exhibit(n)-exhibition(n)-exhibitor(n)
The child exhibited no fear when he saw a big lion just in front of him in the circus.

Fluctuate(v): to change, especially up and down on a chart or graph / fluctuation(n)
In the desert, the temperature fluctuates dramatically.

Severe(adj): very strong or powerful / severely(adv)
Since the patient is in severe pain, he is given a lot of painkillers.

Furthermore(adv): in addition (introducing more information on the same point)
I’m not interested in what you are selling, and furthermore, I asked your company not to contact me ever again.

Contradict(v): to disagree with what someone says /contradiction(n)- contradictory(adj)
The mayor’s actions in office contradicted the promises he made during the campaign.

Facilitate(v): to make something easier / facilitation(n)-facilitator(n)
Cutting taxes may facilitate economic recovery.

Temporary(adj): existing for a limited time, not permanent / temporarily(adv)
The drug will give you temporary relief from the pain.

Abuse(v): to treat cruelly or violently / abuse(n)-abusive(adj)-abusively(adv)-abusiveness(n)
He had abused his first car by not taking care of it.

 Unit 7 A

caffeine addiction quotes ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.

abuse             awake             dependence          contradict         exhibit        
facilitate         fluctuate         furthermore         severe               temporary       

1.  As she didn’t want to ___________________her parents' wishes, she took Science classes rather than the Arts subjects she preferred.
2.  Marketing institutions ___________________ the movement of goods and services from their point of production to their point of consumption.
3. The dream about her boyfriend distressed her, and she spent most of the night ___________________, thinking about him and about her own life.
4. Most of the harvest work is done by ___________________ workers who migrate to the area with their families for three or four months.
5.  The data on the computer can quickly be transferred from one information system to another and can be combined; ___________________, it is invisible and not directly intelligible.
6.  Children have rights to health, education, to be free from physical and sexual ___________________, to have a voice in the decisions which affect them and to grow up as responsible and active citizens.
7. The reason why I won’t ___________________ this portrait is because I’m afraid it shows the secret of my heart.
8. Sudan suffered a series of calamities during the 1980s: drought caused ___________________ economic problems, loss of life and massive movements of people and the civil war between the north and the south made everything worse.
9. Number of prisoners ___________________ from week to week. For instance, there are currently only thirty four convicts in the town's cells now. However, there were more than hundred people a month ago.
10. Women are becoming more prone to alcohol ___________________. The reasons for that are loneliness, boredom or the heavy demands made by family, older relative and the society.

1. condradict                2.facilitate                3. awake                 4. temporary                  5. furthermore
6. abuse                        7. exhibit                   8. severe                 9. fluctuate                   10. dependence


1. What is the reading mainly about?
a. The popularity of coffee among white-collar employees.
b. The effects of caffeine on the body.
c. Certain health risks posed by the abuse of caffeine.
d. The contribution of caffeine to medical science.

2. On line 51, the word ‘fluctuate’ can be best replaced by ___.
a. change                        b. originate                         c. recover                            d. increase

3. Which statement is TRUE according to paragraphs 1 and 2?
a. Athletes, marathon runners in particular, cannot perform well without a moderate dose of caffeine taken
sometime before each competition.
b. Professionals from all sectors of business suffer from caffeine addiction due to its strong effects.
c. Because of their energizing and mood-improving effects, coffee and tea are preferred by many cultures as a
morning drink to face the challenges of a new day.
d. If caffeine is consumed excessively, its stimulating effect can disappear.

4. What can be inferred about caffeine from paragraphs 3 and 4?
a. Regular caffeine intake can result in people underperforming over the course of time.
b. Overconsumption of caffeine might be linked to psychiatric problems.
c. Staying awake and alert by drinking coffee or similar beverages improves physical health and creativity.
d. Caffeine is the primary cause of certain types of cancer and bone disease.

5. Professor Roland Griffith believes that ___.
a. even occasional use of caffeine may cause physical dependence
b. people who use caffeine heavily can be treated with exercise
c. regular caffeine users share some behavioral features in common
d. users of caffeine must be informed of the ways to cope with their dependence

6. According to paragraphs 5 and 6, the scientific community holds the view that ___.
a. Caffeine is a harmful substance.
b. Caffeine does not pose a health risk when taken in reasonable amounts.
c. Caffeine is a new hope for scientists to cure a wide range of illnesses due to its beneficial effects.
d. There are still doubts about caffeine in terms of having some health benefits.
7. What is an important factor that helps lower the chances of literally abusing caffeine?
a. Scientists continuously warn people about the negative effects of caffeine.
b. It can be easily treated in hospital conditions.
c. Caffeine is self-abortive. That is, prolonged use is unlikely because it blocks the desire to consume more.
d. It causes uncomfortable symptoms such as nausea and vomiting when used too much, so people stop using it.

8. An overall evaluation of caffeine use suggests that ___.
a. it has internationally-accepted serious behavioral effects
b. caffeine is undoubtedly the most addictive drug enjoyed by students and businessmen at parties and meetings
c. the negative effects of caffeine outweigh its benefits
d. its refreshing and stimulating content with relatively few side-effects make caffeine the number one ingredient of mankind’s favorite drinks

KEY:  1b 2a 3c 4a 5c 6b 7c 8d


Unit 7 B
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
advocate                capacity                  decline               disposal        equivalent          
guarantee              steep                       substitute          utilize                         

1. We have a chronic trade deficit, high unemployment, and our productive ____________________ in manufacturing is too low.
2. People who feel that they are too busy to set aside time for exercise periods can ____________________ their daily routines to provide at least some opportunities to keep fit.
3.  Climbing up a ____________________ and slippery slope with no weight on your back differs from climbing up the same slope with 30 or 40kg of equipment.
4. No matter how powerful it is, a notebook PC is never a/an ____________________ for a desktop machine, unless you own a docking station and a full-sized keyboard.
5. She is a/an ____________________ of single-sex education for girls, arguing that ‘there is no doubt that girls as a whole achieve better results in this environment’.
6. ____________________ of industrial waste has harmed this lake so severely that the number of fish species living in the lake has decreased dramatically in the last twenty years.
7.  Having seen the ____________________ in public services over the past decade, I hope that he never has the opportunity to be elected mayor again.
8. A 16-year-old English girl committed suicide after failing to get the required grade to ____________________ her a place at an art college.
9. If for any reason we are unable to send you the watches, we reserve the right to offer you an item of ____________________ value.

1. capacity                 2. utilize                    3.steep                     4. substitute                    5. advocate  

6. disposal                   7. decline                    8. guarantee              9. equivalent

Unit 7B

Finite(adj): limited with a fixed size or extent
The earth’s supply of natural resources is finite.

Substitute(n): a replacement for somebody or something /substitution(n)-substitute(n)
If you like, you can use a handful of hazelnuts as a substitute for chetsnuts in that recipe.

Advocate(v): to publicly recommend a course of action/ advocate(n)-advocacy(n)
 He has always been a passionate advocate of civil rights.

Guarantee(v): to promise or make certain / guarantee(n)
He guaranteed us that everything would go according to the plan.

Steep(adj): sloping sharply at an angle;rising or falling suddenly / steely(adv)-steepness(n)
The hill is too steep for  me to climb.

Equivalent(n): an amount, value, or function that is the same / equivalent(adj)
I’ve broken my antique vase, the equivalent of which cannot be found anywhere.

Capacity(n): the maximum amount that something can hold or produce
The nightclub has a 1,000-person capacity.

Decline(v): to become less in quantity, importance or strength / decline(n)
The civilization began to decline around 1000 B.C.

Dispose(v): to get rid of something you no longer want or need / disposal(n)-disposable(adj)
The most problematic issue about nuclear energy is the disposal of its waste.

Utilize(v): to make use of something(formal) /utilizable(adj)-utilization(n)-utility(n)

Many of the library’s resources are not utilized by townspeople.


  1. To promise or make certain
  2. Rising or falling suddenly
  3. To become less in quality, importance or strength
  4. Restricted, fixed
  5. Amount, value or function that is the same
  6. Maximum amount that sthg can hold , produce
  7. To take sthg’s place/exchange
  8. To get rid of sthg that you no longer want or need
  9. Supporter
  10. To make use of
  1. Most people are aware that the supply of fossil fuels is finite.
  2. Solar, wind or nuclear power can substitute fossil fuels.
  3. Advocates of nuclear power say this technology would require a lot of money initially, but eventually it will provide clean and cheap energy.
  4. Solar energy will be able to guarantee everyone on earth all the energy they needed
  5. There is a steep increase in petrol price because of Arab Spring.
  6. Equivalent of fossil fuels will be solar energy in the future.
  7. Turkey has enough capacity to produce sufficient energy by using solar panels.
  8. Use of nuclear power has declined in the world because of accidents and concerns about nuclear waste.
  9. Disposal of nuclear waste is very dangerous and can harm the environment.
  10. Turkey is going to start to utilize nuclear energy in 2 or 3 years.

1D           2G          3I            4A           5B           6E           7F           8C           9H           10J

b.     Write the appropriate forms of the words
Limited   X   Infinite

Be equal  to
be capable of doing sthg
At sb’s disposal

Limited   X   Infinite
Indefinite number

A steep increase
Be equal  to
be capable of doing sthg
Decline in quality
At sb’s disposal
Dispose of=get rid of


1)      What is this reading mainly about?
a.       The reason why the world suffers from energy problems
b.       Alternatives to the use of fossil fuels
c.       The drawbacks of using fossil fuels
d.       The best possible source of energy

2)      The word “advocates” in line 35 is closest in meaning to ____.
a.       managers
b.       opponents
c.       supporters
d.       assistants

3)      The word “declined” in line 89 can best be replaced by ___.
a.       decreased
b.       rejected
c.       denied
d.       refused

4)      The word “this” in line 71 is referring to ___.
a.       too much power
b.       the shortage of wind
c.       the lack of capacity
d.       the sufficient level of energy

5)      The word “which” in paragraph 4 refers to ___.
a.       the solution
b.       the problem
c.       space
d.       energy

6)      According to the passage, fossil fuels ___.
a.       can best be replaced by solar power
b.       are used widely around the globe
c.       are not limited
d.       are difficult to find

7)      In the passage, which is NOT mentioned as a challenge in the use of wind power?
a.       High cost
b.       The lack of wind capacity
c.       Objections from people
d.       Too much power

8)      Which statement is FALSE according to the passage?
a.       People can make use of wind power in their homes
b.       Ensuring safety is problematic for all alternative energy sources
c.       There is a quest to find a substitute to fossil fuels
d.       One of the worries regarding the use of nuclear power is the cost of the power plants

9)         In your opinion, which alternative energy source is the best in terms of safety, availability, and usability? Explain.

10)      In your opinion, which alternative energy source is most likely to replace fossil fuels? Explain.

11)      Do people make use of alternative energy sources in your country? Where and how?

12)      What are the challenges people face in the use of wind power?

 Key: 1b 2c 3a 4a 5c 6b 7a 8b