22 Nisan 2016 Cuma



Unit 9 A

Endure(v): to experience a painful or difficult situation because you have no other choice / endurable(adj)-endurance(n)
I suffer from migrane. I have to take strong painkillers to endure it.

Aircraft(n): a vehicle that can fly such as an airplane or helicopter
We buy all our aircraft from other countries as we don’t manufacture them.

Blanket(n): a piece of thick cloth used for warmth in bed / blanket(v)
In case it gets colder in the night, there are extra blankets in the closet. You can use them.

Rescue(v): to save from danger or trouble / rescuer(n)- rescue(n)
The Coast Guard rescued all the survivors of the shipwreck.

Volunteer(v): to work without pay because you choose to do something /
University students volunteer to help elementary students with their lessons in summer camps.

Sew(v): to join fabric together with a thread and needle
I can’t even sew a button on a shirt. I take everything to the tailor.

Steady(adj): gradual, without sudden changes/ steady(v)-steadily(adv)-stediness(n)
The company is making a steady progress and will surely be one of the biggest in the country in a few years.

Tough(adj): very strong, able to tolerate difficulty or suffering / toughly(adv)-toughness(n)-toughen(v)
The men who work in the mines are tough. They can deal with difficult conditions.

Rationalize(v): to think of reasons to justify or explain / rationalization(n)-rational(adj)-rationally(adv)-rationality(n)
The financial manager tried to find a way to rationalize what he had done. His decision had put the company in a very bad financial crisis.

Sustain(v): to nourish or provide support so someone else can live / sustainable(adj)-sustainability(n)sustained(adj)
Animal lovers in the neighborhood provide food and water to sustain street dogs.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
aircraft                blanket                 endure               rationalize               rescue
sew                      steady                   sustain               tough                         volunteer

1. The injured man was lying on the ground covered with a ____________________ when the ambulance arrived, and people were preparing to place him on a jeep.
2. Is there a way to ____________________ what you have done? I think you will be fired.
3. Last night, three young men were being hailed as heroes after a dramatic ____________________ of a newsagent from a flooded shop.
4. The problem is that ____________________ accident investigation wasn’t carried out in a completely impartial and objective manner and they did the easiest thing - putting the blame on the dead pilots.
5.  You don’t need to be talented to ____________________ a button on your shirt. All you need is a needle and thread.
6. The diet industry (via the media) sells the myth that a new body shape can be obtained as easily as a new haircut, provided you can afford their products and ____________________  prolonged starvation.
7. When there are many casualties, as in a war, doctors have to make some ____________________  decisions about who to treat first.
8. In order to ____________________ economic growth, the government needs to implement new policies.
9. A ____________________ is someone who works without pay.
10. He has shown a ____________________ progress since he started working for the company, and we expect him to promote soon.

1. blanket         2. rationalize         3. rescue        4. aircraft            5. sew  
6. endure          7. tough                  8. sustain       9. volunteer        10. steady


Convince(v): to persuade by argument or evidence /convinced(adj)-convincing(adj)-convincingly(adv)
They are trying to convince their grandmother to live with them, but she insists on living alone in her own apartment.

Explode(v): to burst with great violence, to blow up /explosion(n)-explosive(adj)-(n)-explosively(adv)explosiveness(n)
A gas tank in a petrol station exploded in the middle of the night burning almost the half of the station and three cars.

Terror(n): very great fear, panic, or dread / terrorize(v)
When a man started to fire his gun aimlessly in the street, people around screamed in terror and tried to run away.

Border(n): the dividing line between two countries countries or places / border(v)
Land mines that were laid all through the border during the war are now being cleared.

Mercy(n): kind and forgiving treatment toward a powerless person /merciful(adj)-mercifully(adv)-merciless(adj)-mercilessly(adv)
He was a fearful commander. He showed no mercy to the ones who made mistakes intentionally or unintentionally.

Stable(adj): strong, steady, calm /stability(n)-instability(n)-stably(adv)-unstable(adj)-stabilize(v)-stabilization(n)
Children like stable environment as they are in need of safety psychologically.

Tragedy(n): an extremely sad evet or situation /tragic(adj)-tragically(adv)
Tragedy struck all the country when an earthquate hit and killed thousands of people.

Clinic(n): a place where people go for medical treatment or advice /clinician(n)-clinical(adj)-clinically(adv)
I have an appoinment at the dental clinic tomorrow. I have to have all my teeth checked.

Wage(n): a salary, payment for doing work /waged(adj)-unwaged(adj)
Workers went on strike for a rise in their wages, for they cannot make their living with the present amount they are earning.

Mobilize(v): to organize people and resources for an urgent purpose / mobilization(n)-demobilize(v)-immobilize(v)
Leftist political parties started a campaign to mobilize support for the strike.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
border                clinics                convince               explode                 mercy
mobilize             tragedy             terror                    unstable                wage    

1. One of the smallest countries in the world is Liechtenstein, the tiny principality which lies on the ____________________  of Switzerland and Austria.
2. In my former workplace, everyone was paid a different ____________________ , so no one knew what anyone else was getting.
3. How often do we ask the question ‘Why me?’ when faced with some personal trauma or ____________________?
4. I won’t let you take any of these documents unless you convince me that they are necessary for the inquiry.
5. The hardships that they had once suffered had left no bitterness in their gentle souls, and all through their lives they showed ____________________ and kindness to others.
6. A man whose parents were being held captive had been forced to drive into a border checkpoint in a van containing the bomb, which, luckily, had failed to ____________________.
7. When the little girl was found alone in the dark, she was screaming in ____________________.
8.  Her husband became an alcoholic and they had to put him away in a____________________.
9. America is ready to ____________________ its army if North Korea back down from threatening its neighbors.
10. The conventional accounts of violence against women suggest that most men who are violent to women are mentally ____________________  in some way.

1. border           2. wage          3. tragedy         4. convince        5. mercy
6. explode        7. terror        8. clinic             9. mobilize         10. unstable

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