11 Nisan 2016 Pazartesi


addiction ile ilgili görsel sonucu


Awake(adj): not asleep / awake(v)-awaken(n)-awakening(n)
I am so tired that I can hardly stay awake.

Dependance(n): a need to rely on someone or something for help or support /dependancy(n)-dependant(adj)-depend(v)
Our dependence upon foreign oil makes our economy vulnerable.

Exhibit(v): to show or put something in a place where people can see it / exhibit(n)-exhibition(n)-exhibitor(n)
The child exhibited no fear when he saw a big lion just in front of him in the circus.

Fluctuate(v): to change, especially up and down on a chart or graph / fluctuation(n)
In the desert, the temperature fluctuates dramatically.

Severe(adj): very strong or powerful / severely(adv)
Since the patient is in severe pain, he is given a lot of painkillers.

Furthermore(adv): in addition (introducing more information on the same point)
I’m not interested in what you are selling, and furthermore, I asked your company not to contact me ever again.

Contradict(v): to disagree with what someone says /contradiction(n)- contradictory(adj)
The mayor’s actions in office contradicted the promises he made during the campaign.

Facilitate(v): to make something easier / facilitation(n)-facilitator(n)
Cutting taxes may facilitate economic recovery.

Temporary(adj): existing for a limited time, not permanent / temporarily(adv)
The drug will give you temporary relief from the pain.

Abuse(v): to treat cruelly or violently / abuse(n)-abusive(adj)-abusively(adv)-abusiveness(n)
He had abused his first car by not taking care of it.

 Unit 7 A

caffeine addiction quotes ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.

abuse             awake             dependence          contradict         exhibit        
facilitate         fluctuate         furthermore         severe               temporary       

1.  As she didn’t want to ___________________her parents' wishes, she took Science classes rather than the Arts subjects she preferred.
2.  Marketing institutions ___________________ the movement of goods and services from their point of production to their point of consumption.
3. The dream about her boyfriend distressed her, and she spent most of the night ___________________, thinking about him and about her own life.
4. Most of the harvest work is done by ___________________ workers who migrate to the area with their families for three or four months.
5.  The data on the computer can quickly be transferred from one information system to another and can be combined; ___________________, it is invisible and not directly intelligible.
6.  Children have rights to health, education, to be free from physical and sexual ___________________, to have a voice in the decisions which affect them and to grow up as responsible and active citizens.
7. The reason why I won’t ___________________ this portrait is because I’m afraid it shows the secret of my heart.
8. Sudan suffered a series of calamities during the 1980s: drought caused ___________________ economic problems, loss of life and massive movements of people and the civil war between the north and the south made everything worse.
9. Number of prisoners ___________________ from week to week. For instance, there are currently only thirty four convicts in the town's cells now. However, there were more than hundred people a month ago.
10. Women are becoming more prone to alcohol ___________________. The reasons for that are loneliness, boredom or the heavy demands made by family, older relative and the society.

1. condradict                2.facilitate                3. awake                 4. temporary                  5. furthermore
6. abuse                        7. exhibit                   8. severe                 9. fluctuate                   10. dependence


1. What is the reading mainly about?
a. The popularity of coffee among white-collar employees.
b. The effects of caffeine on the body.
c. Certain health risks posed by the abuse of caffeine.
d. The contribution of caffeine to medical science.

2. On line 51, the word ‘fluctuate’ can be best replaced by ___.
a. change                        b. originate                         c. recover                            d. increase

3. Which statement is TRUE according to paragraphs 1 and 2?
a. Athletes, marathon runners in particular, cannot perform well without a moderate dose of caffeine taken
sometime before each competition.
b. Professionals from all sectors of business suffer from caffeine addiction due to its strong effects.
c. Because of their energizing and mood-improving effects, coffee and tea are preferred by many cultures as a
morning drink to face the challenges of a new day.
d. If caffeine is consumed excessively, its stimulating effect can disappear.

4. What can be inferred about caffeine from paragraphs 3 and 4?
a. Regular caffeine intake can result in people underperforming over the course of time.
b. Overconsumption of caffeine might be linked to psychiatric problems.
c. Staying awake and alert by drinking coffee or similar beverages improves physical health and creativity.
d. Caffeine is the primary cause of certain types of cancer and bone disease.

5. Professor Roland Griffith believes that ___.
a. even occasional use of caffeine may cause physical dependence
b. people who use caffeine heavily can be treated with exercise
c. regular caffeine users share some behavioral features in common
d. users of caffeine must be informed of the ways to cope with their dependence

6. According to paragraphs 5 and 6, the scientific community holds the view that ___.
a. Caffeine is a harmful substance.
b. Caffeine does not pose a health risk when taken in reasonable amounts.
c. Caffeine is a new hope for scientists to cure a wide range of illnesses due to its beneficial effects.
d. There are still doubts about caffeine in terms of having some health benefits.
7. What is an important factor that helps lower the chances of literally abusing caffeine?
a. Scientists continuously warn people about the negative effects of caffeine.
b. It can be easily treated in hospital conditions.
c. Caffeine is self-abortive. That is, prolonged use is unlikely because it blocks the desire to consume more.
d. It causes uncomfortable symptoms such as nausea and vomiting when used too much, so people stop using it.

8. An overall evaluation of caffeine use suggests that ___.
a. it has internationally-accepted serious behavioral effects
b. caffeine is undoubtedly the most addictive drug enjoyed by students and businessmen at parties and meetings
c. the negative effects of caffeine outweigh its benefits
d. its refreshing and stimulating content with relatively few side-effects make caffeine the number one ingredient of mankind’s favorite drinks

KEY:  1b 2a 3c 4a 5c 6b 7c 8d


Unit 7 B
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box.
advocate                capacity                  decline               disposal        equivalent          
guarantee              steep                       substitute          utilize                         

1. We have a chronic trade deficit, high unemployment, and our productive ____________________ in manufacturing is too low.
2. People who feel that they are too busy to set aside time for exercise periods can ____________________ their daily routines to provide at least some opportunities to keep fit.
3.  Climbing up a ____________________ and slippery slope with no weight on your back differs from climbing up the same slope with 30 or 40kg of equipment.
4. No matter how powerful it is, a notebook PC is never a/an ____________________ for a desktop machine, unless you own a docking station and a full-sized keyboard.
5. She is a/an ____________________ of single-sex education for girls, arguing that ‘there is no doubt that girls as a whole achieve better results in this environment’.
6. ____________________ of industrial waste has harmed this lake so severely that the number of fish species living in the lake has decreased dramatically in the last twenty years.
7.  Having seen the ____________________ in public services over the past decade, I hope that he never has the opportunity to be elected mayor again.
8. A 16-year-old English girl committed suicide after failing to get the required grade to ____________________ her a place at an art college.
9. If for any reason we are unable to send you the watches, we reserve the right to offer you an item of ____________________ value.

1. capacity                 2. utilize                    3.steep                     4. substitute                    5. advocate  

6. disposal                   7. decline                    8. guarantee              9. equivalent

Unit 7B

Finite(adj): limited with a fixed size or extent
The earth’s supply of natural resources is finite.

Substitute(n): a replacement for somebody or something /substitution(n)-substitute(n)
If you like, you can use a handful of hazelnuts as a substitute for chetsnuts in that recipe.

Advocate(v): to publicly recommend a course of action/ advocate(n)-advocacy(n)
 He has always been a passionate advocate of civil rights.

Guarantee(v): to promise or make certain / guarantee(n)
He guaranteed us that everything would go according to the plan.

Steep(adj): sloping sharply at an angle;rising or falling suddenly / steely(adv)-steepness(n)
The hill is too steep for  me to climb.

Equivalent(n): an amount, value, or function that is the same / equivalent(adj)
I’ve broken my antique vase, the equivalent of which cannot be found anywhere.

Capacity(n): the maximum amount that something can hold or produce
The nightclub has a 1,000-person capacity.

Decline(v): to become less in quantity, importance or strength / decline(n)
The civilization began to decline around 1000 B.C.

Dispose(v): to get rid of something you no longer want or need / disposal(n)-disposable(adj)
The most problematic issue about nuclear energy is the disposal of its waste.

Utilize(v): to make use of something(formal) /utilizable(adj)-utilization(n)-utility(n)

Many of the library’s resources are not utilized by townspeople.


  1. To promise or make certain
  2. Rising or falling suddenly
  3. To become less in quality, importance or strength
  4. Restricted, fixed
  5. Amount, value or function that is the same
  6. Maximum amount that sthg can hold , produce
  7. To take sthg’s place/exchange
  8. To get rid of sthg that you no longer want or need
  9. Supporter
  10. To make use of
  1. Most people are aware that the supply of fossil fuels is finite.
  2. Solar, wind or nuclear power can substitute fossil fuels.
  3. Advocates of nuclear power say this technology would require a lot of money initially, but eventually it will provide clean and cheap energy.
  4. Solar energy will be able to guarantee everyone on earth all the energy they needed
  5. There is a steep increase in petrol price because of Arab Spring.
  6. Equivalent of fossil fuels will be solar energy in the future.
  7. Turkey has enough capacity to produce sufficient energy by using solar panels.
  8. Use of nuclear power has declined in the world because of accidents and concerns about nuclear waste.
  9. Disposal of nuclear waste is very dangerous and can harm the environment.
  10. Turkey is going to start to utilize nuclear energy in 2 or 3 years.

1D           2G          3I            4A           5B           6E           7F           8C           9H           10J

b.     Write the appropriate forms of the words
Limited   X   Infinite

Be equal  to
be capable of doing sthg
At sb’s disposal

Limited   X   Infinite
Indefinite number

A steep increase
Be equal  to
be capable of doing sthg
Decline in quality
At sb’s disposal
Dispose of=get rid of


1)      What is this reading mainly about?
a.       The reason why the world suffers from energy problems
b.       Alternatives to the use of fossil fuels
c.       The drawbacks of using fossil fuels
d.       The best possible source of energy

2)      The word “advocates” in line 35 is closest in meaning to ____.
a.       managers
b.       opponents
c.       supporters
d.       assistants

3)      The word “declined” in line 89 can best be replaced by ___.
a.       decreased
b.       rejected
c.       denied
d.       refused

4)      The word “this” in line 71 is referring to ___.
a.       too much power
b.       the shortage of wind
c.       the lack of capacity
d.       the sufficient level of energy

5)      The word “which” in paragraph 4 refers to ___.
a.       the solution
b.       the problem
c.       space
d.       energy

6)      According to the passage, fossil fuels ___.
a.       can best be replaced by solar power
b.       are used widely around the globe
c.       are not limited
d.       are difficult to find

7)      In the passage, which is NOT mentioned as a challenge in the use of wind power?
a.       High cost
b.       The lack of wind capacity
c.       Objections from people
d.       Too much power

8)      Which statement is FALSE according to the passage?
a.       People can make use of wind power in their homes
b.       Ensuring safety is problematic for all alternative energy sources
c.       There is a quest to find a substitute to fossil fuels
d.       One of the worries regarding the use of nuclear power is the cost of the power plants

9)         In your opinion, which alternative energy source is the best in terms of safety, availability, and usability? Explain.

10)      In your opinion, which alternative energy source is most likely to replace fossil fuels? Explain.

11)      Do people make use of alternative energy sources in your country? Where and how?

12)      What are the challenges people face in the use of wind power?

 Key: 1b 2c 3a 4a 5c 6b 7a 8b


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